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Vision & Values

No one has been waiting for another agency in the Swiss music industry. Yet, here it is. And it’s nice that you’re (still) here.

Grundiynkommen aka. basic income has nothing to do with music? We embody the idea of a basic income in this business because in our opinion it has to find its way into all areas of today’s life. In addition, certain developments in our industry upset us. Thus, we now carry a statement with and in our name – unfortunately with a spelling mistake. As a young, independent agency with clear values and unafraid of high professionalism and broad content, we definitely aim for great things, but not for self-enrichment. We want to combine our work with our personal values, a clear attitude and, humbly as ever, change the game.
In a world where former small companies are merging into large conglomerates and all available resources are compressing into a strong imbalance, we want to live a different way of thinking and manifest it in our actions. Sounds like Robin Hood? If so, it is Robin:e Hood. This is our approach and also our reason for launching this agency with a twist: We want to return the surplus that the agency generates to the musical cosmos – as a basic income for young musicians. In order to remain fair and not to favour our own artists (with whom we are admittedly very much in love), we will hopefully be able to establish a foundation. A foundation that will be run by an independent, transparent board and will help at least a handful of musicians to abstain for a year from financial worries and dependencies. We want to promote the creative work of the scene and therefore reject all the usual policies. No repayment and no output is expected. The basic income should not be tied to any obligations, but only to the potential of the artist. We would not find anything else sufficiently smooth.

Of course, this is still a dream and a project slummering and in the making. But it is a dream of visionaries. As soon as our agency becomes financially sustainable after the initial phase (we are still very young), we are eager to put our minds and resources to it. Until then the vision leads the way.

Do you agree? Do you want to join us on that journey? Say Hello!